Saturday 26 April 2008

One of 'those' weeks

I discovered I backed up more files than I realised, but I still lost my most recent story. I've spent the week trying to rewrite it (although mostly just having a tantrum that I'm not as good as I want to be) but after finding the task increasingly frustrating, decided I may be better off putting it on the shelf for later and doing something else.

My biggest problem is at 22 with little practice at my craft compared to what I perhaps should have done, I berate myself constantly for not being 'bestseller standard' already.

This week has been one of 'those' weeks though. When something goes wrong in this house, everything else does too. The day after my computer tantrumed, the boiler broke. We've had an estimate for two thousand five hundred pounds worth of work (reinstalling a suitable tank or something as well since we'll need a new one? I forget). We may have found a way to get it working for two hundred pounds, but it's a gamble as to whether it works. Still seems the better option.

The day after that the protective plastic barrier stopping the car engine getting dirty broke. So we've had to replace that. The cats been vomiting a lot. The neighbours say he fought off some seagulls for a discarded turkey in their back garden.

Plus side, we won a tenner on the lottery. I remember when the lottery started everyone seemed to win tenners. Not so much anymore though.

Anyway. Tired. Going to leave with another picture of my gorgeous one.

Or not. Now blogger seems to be broken. Terrific.

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